Join us in our mission to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of Ngamiland's elderly.

Contact Information

Beauty Bogwasi

T: +267 74 058 436 | +267 75 48 1400


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions you may be looking to get answers to

How do you Identify the beneficiaries?

Polokong Elderly Care Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged elderly individuals in Maun, Botswana. Our mission is to provide these seniors with proper care, nourishment, shelter, love, and support, allowing them to live with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Why is Polokong Elderly Care Center needed in Maun?

Many elderly individuals in Maun have lost their primary caregivers due to the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS, leaving them without means of support. Our center fills the gap by providing essential care and companionship to these elderly members of our community.

How do you Identify the beneficiaries?

As a project we work with the social welfare department and grassroots structures such as Village Development Committees (VDCs), who are the link between the tribal and political leaderships.

Social welfare and VDCs assist in identifying the needy and the elderly, and provide additional help in locating the homesteads during out home visits. We liaise with each other about the welfare, health or death of the elderly that we are rendering our service to.

How does Polokong Elderly Care Center support the elderly?

We offer a range of support services, including nutritious meals, safe housing, companionship, and emotional support. Our dedicated team ensures that the elderly are not just cared for but also cherished and loved.

How is Polokong Elderly Care Center funded?

We rely on the generosity of individuals, organizations, and donors like you. Contributions come in the form of gifts, donations, and funds, which are used to support our daily operations, provide food, amenities, and salaries for caregivers.

Can I volunteer at Polokong Elderly Care Center?

Yes, we welcome volunteers of all ages who want to make a positive impact in the lives of our elderly residents. Volunteering opportunities range from providing companionship to assisting with daily tasks. Simply use out contact form to get in touch with our team.